Tag Archives: #3

the 3rd person

Well, he is not really a good writer. He just came up with this idea that maybe he’ll go with blogging just for his thoughts to be expressed, at least. You know, he’s kinda reticent for now (hope it will change). He’s not too expressive even to the closest people with him. Most people who knows him doesn’t really know him that much, maybe, even his parents.

He likes to share that three has been meaningful to him. He was born on the 3rd hour of the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of 1990 [March 3, 1992, 3:00 am]. And many circumstances that the number ‘3’ has given him great experiences, maybe it was just destined to him. His name was also taken from the 3rd son of Jacob and Leah. He has 3 siblings, two of them are male, and one is a female. That makes 3 kids are male and one is a female.

For the meantime, that’s all he can share. Hope this will be a great start for a new hobby for him and also hoping that this will a make a difference to him.

Good Mornight! 😉