All posts by lebiloyed

About lebiloyed

#3 is a special number for me. I was born on the third hour of the third day of the week and third day of the third month of the third year of 1990 (Tuesday, 03 March 1992, 3:00 am). I am the eldest of my three siblings.

First Stopover

The sky had started to darken

As I walked through your garden

Laid a flower on the stone

With your name that I had known

Lit up a candle, see it glow

Kept it bright from the wind’s blow

Flame struggled yet danced with the wind

Prayed, “Forgive me for I have sinned”

“Thank you for your undying love,

And see you soon there above”

For now, it’s time to bid goodbye

Then saw your smile in the night sky.

Don’t Resist

Play with the rain and enjoying it like a child.
Play with the rain and enjoying it like a child.

Just this Saturday evening, after hearing those awe-inspiring homily during the Anticipated Mass with my family, it suddenly rained and nobody has brought their umbrella. We have to walk through the rain till we reach the terminal to go home. I saw my mother and siblings tried to shield themselves from the rain while I remembered the time when a few days ago I got to play with the rain and enjoyed it like a child. And I thought to myself that I don’t have to waterproof myself and struggle walking through this rain.

It’s like a stress-free life. We experience a lot of events in our life but the situation is already there and the only thing we have to do is to live with it. We don’t have a full-control with these situations but what you can do is to react to it. Accept those problems or challenges, recognize it and make time to deal with it. Go with the flow of your life.

Be Positive!

So, it’s just like this rain. No struggles while walking through the rain and had no more worries with the clothes because I’m going home and the rain will really make me wet.

So, the next time you meet with the rain, Don’t Resist!

Love on Top of Beyonce Cover by Leroy

Checkout this cool cover of Love on Top by Leroy Sanchez. This is one of the best cover so far from all that I heard. Love on Top by Beyonce is one of the most challenging song for all singers out there because the range of this song is getting higher and higher. And so, I like this guy for singing this song perfectly.

I really envy man with a good voice and especially those who can play with their falsetto. Other male artists I enjoy listening to (and really have good falsetto) are Lawson, Maroon 5, The Script, Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, and Jesse McCartney.

Playful Kittens

This kitten is looking for its playmates. They're playing hide & seek
This kitten is looking for its playmates. They’re playing hide & seek

These photos were taken last July 30, 2013. It was a perfect timing to take photos of these kittens as they were playing at our backyard.

[Click on the image to see other photos]

Autodidact: Self-Learning

au·to·di·dact [àwtō d dàkt]

self-taught person: somebody whose knowledge is self-taught
Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

I found out this word just recently from two consecutive events.

First, was after I watched “The Social Network”, I Wikied it (which is my habit before or after watching a film) until i got to Sean Parker’s page. He was one of the founder of Napster. I read more about him then I found out that he was an avid reader since child that lead to him being autodidact. There I got curious about this term and continue to Wiki it. I found out that the famous autodidact was Leonardo da Vinci.

Second, just after browsing Wikipedia, I decided to watch another film which was “Admission”. And there was one character there named Jeremiah Balakian whom treated as an extraordinary teen because he is an autodidact. It was also pointed there that Leonardo da Vinci was an autodidact.

There I thought that I’m kinda an autodidact too. Since I was a child, I love to read story books (My Bible Friends, Best Stories, Sesame Streets, etc.), encyclopedias (Illustrated Factopedia, 28 Volumes Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia and its Medical Guide, etc.) and my mother’s Health&Home. That’s how i started to learning by myself and become interested to information. Whenever I want to do something like during my childhood days, I usually consult books how to do gardening e.g. grafting. Until now, I seldom ask person on how to do things, most of the time I just observe or consult books and now through Internet I search in the web. But I think there’s a downside of this, I get afraid to ask people.

the 3rd person

Well, he is not really a good writer. He just came up with this idea that maybe he’ll go with blogging just for his thoughts to be expressed, at least. You know, he’s kinda reticent for now (hope it will change). He’s not too expressive even to the closest people with him. Most people who knows him doesn’t really know him that much, maybe, even his parents.

He likes to share that three has been meaningful to him. He was born on the 3rd hour of the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of 1990 [March 3, 1992, 3:00 am]. And many circumstances that the number ‘3’ has given him great experiences, maybe it was just destined to him. His name was also taken from the 3rd son of Jacob and Leah. He has 3 siblings, two of them are male, and one is a female. That makes 3 kids are male and one is a female.

For the meantime, that’s all he can share. Hope this will be a great start for a new hobby for him and also hoping that this will a make a difference to him.

Good Mornight! 😉