Tag Archives: stress

Don’t Resist

Play with the rain and enjoying it like a child.
Play with the rain and enjoying it like a child.

Just this Saturday evening, after hearing those awe-inspiring homily during the Anticipated Mass with my family, it suddenly rained and nobody has brought their umbrella. We have to walk through the rain till we reach the terminal to go home. I saw my mother and siblings tried to shield themselves from the rain while I remembered the time when a few days ago I got to play with the rain and enjoyed it like a child. And I thought to myself that I don’t have to waterproof myself and struggle walking through this rain.

It’s like a stress-free life. We experience a lot of events in our life but the situation is already there and the only thing we have to do is to live with it. We don’t have a full-control with these situations but what you can do is to react to it. Accept those problems or challenges, recognize it and make time to deal with it. Go with the flow of your life.

Be Positive!

So, it’s just like this rain. No struggles while walking through the rain and had no more worries with the clothes because I’m going home and the rain will really make me wet.

So, the next time you meet with the rain, Don’t Resist!